Retina Banner

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Retina Banner plugin for Revive Adserver is used to display ads in devices that have Retina Display. It displays pixels at higher density and with retina banners users can experience higher quality banners
  • "Retina Banner" plugin for Revive Adserver is used to display ads in devices that have Retina Display.
  • It displays pixels at higher density and with retina banners users can experience higher quality banners.
  • Retina display devices are categorized based on the window pixel ratio.
  • If the window pixel ratio is greater than “1” it will be considered as a “Retina Display” and anything with less than “1” will be considered as a “Non-Retina display”.
  • Creative size can resize shrinking the zone size up to 50% of dimension, so the end user pays more attention to retina banners.
  • It supports image and generic HTML banner types. For Generic HTML banner type ad delivery, we can show the third-party ads within the given zone size for retina images.


1) Banner Type Retina:

  • In banner types, a new option for banner size called “Retina Double Size” can be found.
  • By selecting this, the user can deliver retina images/banners.
  • Retina banners will be auto-linked to the zone if the particular campaign is already linked to the zone. Else, the auto-linking process wouldn’t occur.
  • After creating a retina banner, you can link that based on campaign or individuals.

2) Generic HTML as Retina banner:

  • While creating banners, choose type as “Generic HTML Banner” and there’s a checkbox labeled as “IS RETINA” to select HTML banner as Retina display banner.


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