Dialog Ads For Mobile
‘Dialog ads for mobile’ plugin for Revive Adserver displays the dialog as on the users’ mobile devices. The ads are displayed in a dialog box with a call-to-action to engage with the user.
The ad is displayed overlaying the content on the publisher’s page. Usually there are two call-to-actions involved. When you click one option, it redirects you to the advertiser’s site and the other option closes the ad and displays the underlying page.
These ads would be displayed on the publisher’s site even if the site is not mobile optimized.
Launch Events
Dialog Ads can be set to launch on a variety of events including:
- Immediately upon page load
- After a set number of seconds
- After the user scrolls a little
- After the user reaches the bottom of the page
- Higher conversion rates compared to the traditional banner ads
- The dialog ads deliver a strong and clear call-to-action
- Serves a better ‘impression to click’ ratio
- Compatible with all major smart phones and mobile devices
- We accept worldwide traffic
- Integrates into website without interfering with the existing content and ad spaces.
- Fully compatible with AdSense or other networks.
- User and search engine friendly (no redirects, easy return to content, family safe ads)