DAAST for Audio ads
- In-stream audio advertising refers to online advertising when audio ads are integrated into streaming audio is played Internet users.
- To serve ads to digital audio players, an XML-based format, DAAST (Digital Audio Ad Serving Template) is used.
- DAAST is rooted in the same digital ad serving technology used in digital video. For developing DAAST was used as a model VAST (Video Ad Serving Template). The following ad types are supported:
◦ Linear Audio ads
▪ Linear Audio Ads are presented before (pre-roll), between (mid-roll), or after (post-roll) the audio content stream begins to play. In general, linear audio ads may play for anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute. A user may also interact with the ad using an audible response.
◦ Skippable Audio Ad
▪ Skippable Ads are audio ads which were skipped by user via skip control. DAAST supports the ability to implement and track skip controls.
◦ Audio Ad pod
▪ Audio Ad Pods are a set of sequential linear ads. Ad Pods can play before, during a break in, or after the content audio plays and function like a commercial break in a radio program with multiple ad spots.
◦ Third party Audio ads/Wrapper ads
▪ You can create third party daast ads with revive adserver
- Audio ads can created by Manager or Admin
- New Banner Type
- Create new bannertype as audio ads
Zone type
◦ Invocation code for DAAST audio ads
DAAST audio ads
◦ Tracking Events & Reporting
▪ Start
▪ firstQuartile
▪ midPoint
▪ ThirdQuartile
▪ Completed
▪ Mute/Unmute
▪ Skip
▪ Createview