Ad Exchange Framework

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The ad exchange framework plugin for revive ad server is a complete package that facilitate the Revive Adminstrator to integrate third party ad exchanges and provide better Fillrate to the Advertisers and Publishers.

The ad exchange framework plugin for revive ad server is a complete package that facilitate the Revive Adminstrator to integrate third party ad exchanges and provide better Fillrate to the Advertisers and Publishers. The ad exchanges are integrated to revive adserver based on the Ad formats that the Ad-exchanges support. The plugin will work according to OpenRTB Standard and it provides a platform for creating and managing the Advertiser and Publisher’s accounts in real time.

Ad Exchange Framework

The plugin provides NET-X payment system for the publisher’s payment and also provides pass back tracking system for managing all ad requests. It enables the users to manage the house ads for delivering self-promotional ads of the publisher website.
The ad exchange framework has the following units they are,

Demand side platform

The demand side platform allows the advertiser to buy and sell the online display advertising in multiple ad exchanges if the admin integrated them to the System. It provides a real-time bidding technology for defining the targeted audience and for delivering the right ads to them.

The DSP provides a centralized functionality for bidding and reporting, this functionality enables the advertiser to bid on the ad impressions based on their criteria and budget before delivering the ads.

Supply-side platform

The supply side platform allows the publishers to sell ad exchange and to optimize the ad revenues and ad selling costs. It helps the publisher to earn maximized revenue by connecting the new ad networks.


RTB or real-time bidding involves buying and selling of online digital media and allows ad exchange to decide the value of an ad impression. The RTB bids on the ad impression according to the value decided for the ad campaign.


The ad exchange framework provides supports targeting features based on the Exchanges that support are given below,

  • Behavioral targeting,
  • Contextual targeting,
  • Re-targeting,
  • Audience targeting and
  • Geo-targeting

The targeting feature allows a user to manage ad request and response from demand-supply side platform and from third party ad exchanges. It allows the publishers to bid their inventory in real time through the ad exchange. It also allows the advertisers or media buyers to bid their ad impressions instantly.

Manage house ads

The house ads are displayed to occupy the empty space left in the publisher’s website, these ads will not earn revenue for the publisher or the advertiser.

Pass back tracking system

It is used to track and store all the ad requests and response from the publisher site and it helps to provide hundred percent fill rate for all the ad requests.

Net-X payment system

It is used to generate the invoice for the publisher based on their performance and the payment settings; the invoice is created for each publisher at every month end. The admin can also make payment to the publisher using the wire transfer or PayPal payment gateway. The system provides an option to admin for monitoring the payment history of both publisher and the advertiser.

Analytics and reports

It is used to generate statistical reports for the following data,

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • Payment details of the advertiser
  • Revenue earning of the publisher and the administrator
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