Engagement Ads

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The engagement ads plugin for revive ad server provides user interactive options to both advertiser and end users. The advertiser can able to create pooling for the advertised product and the end users can cast their vote for the same.

The engagement ads plugin for revive ad server provides user interactive options to both advertiser and end users. The advertiser can able to create pooling for the advertised product and the end users can cast their vote for the same. Apart from pool sharing, the plugin also provides facebook integration to the advertised ads.

The banners will be embedded with facebook share button and when the user clicks on it, the ad will get posted in end user’s facebook profile wall. Therefore, the advertised product will reach the facebook users easily and will increase the revenue of the advertiser.

Benefits of this plugin

  • The advertiser can able to reach the end users easily.
  • The advertiser can able to get customer’s feedback with the help of the voting pool.
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