Rewarded video ads plugin
Watching few seconds of ads in exchange for rewards! A win-win for all parties involved
The Rewarded video ads plugin for Revive Adserver helps deliver full-screen video ads inside mobile SDK which by the end of watch time the viewer would be rewarded with the context to the application or Game.
Rewarded Video Ads
Rewarded video ads are full screen video ads that users have the option of watching in full in exchange for in-app rewards. There are no fundamental changes to the video player. Support for VAST elements and attributes, including protocols, video mime types, companion banners, and more is the same as interstitial video support.
Module Highlights
• Video creative capping of 30 seconds max
• Viewers get to watch the entire ad
• Offers higher eCPM
• Viewers are obliged to watch entire video ad
• Viewers receive in-app reward in exchange
• VAST video ads are supported
• Easy to install and integrate
• Video response and ad engagement tracking
• Accurate report view and export functionality
Why advertise with Rewarded video?
• Rewarded video ad offers higher eCPMs compared to other regular ads such as banners or static interstitials
• The user engagement with the video creative is also considerably higher
• Publishers can offer in-app purchases as an alternative for watching rewarded ads
• For advertisers, this increases the brand awareness as viewers watch the entire ad without skipping
For instance, Rewarded ads may be served only after a user explicitly chooses to view a rewarded ad. This puts the user in control of their in-app experience. In case the user playing a game has no more lives. The user is asked if they want to immediately recover lives by watching a video ad. Alternatively, the user can decide to spend money or wait a specific amount of time to reach the same result.
You can specify the reward values associated with the ad units in your app and set different rewards for different ad units. Users will receive the reward for viewing the video ad without needing to install anything.
Rewarded video ad delivery specs
Ad format: Interstitial video
Video format: Only VAST video types
Video length: 1 to 30 seconds
Countdown timer: Yes, On the right corner
Ad trigger: User clicks to initiate the ad
Ad audio trigger: Automatic as the creative starts
Audio control: By the device volume settings
Ancillary ad support: Yes (Optional)
Ancillary ad type: Companion ads (End cards/Call-to action)
Plugin benefit